Conversion Rate Optimization

Strategies for Increasing Conversion Rates for Medical Practices


As most people turn to the internet to get answers to their health-related questions, it is an opportunity for healthcare marketers to answer these questions, thus improving their medical practice by conversion rates and website’s trust and credibility in the online world.

Every healthcare marketer who maintains a website for their medical practice works on a common goal to capture potential visitors and convert those leads into their loyal patients. But the problem with several medical practices is that they fail to convert the visitors.

These days, it is rare to see a medical practice without a website, but the main thing is, are these websites converting their visitors? Do the people who visit these websites take the desired actions?

What is the Conversion Rate?

Conversion Rate is the percentage of people who have visited your website, or landing page are converted to take some desired action. 

Healthcare marketers need to focus more on conversion marketing that is done with the intention of increasing conversions on their website. The process of optimizing your website or landing page experience based on typical visitor behavior to improve the chances of the visitor to take desired actions is called conversion rates optimization.

Here, we have discussed some of the best ways healthcare marketers can adopt to improve the conversion rates of their medical practice.

1) Include additional Lead Generators

As a healthcare marketer, you must understand that a person won’t get converted just because they have visited your website. Hence it is crucial to create multiple lead generators. Think about the possible problems of your potential patients and what solution you could offer them, which is the only intention they have landed on your website. 

For example, you can create a pain assessment survey that allows patients to input their symptoms and effectively take the first step toward finding relief for their pain. This way, you can communicate with your leads too.

Providing these types of additional lead generators allows you to convert more visitors, especially those who might not be ready to make an appointment. It is necessary to create a follow-up process for these leads.

2) Segment your leads

If you send out every possible content to everyone in your contact list, they may get irritated, and there is a chance of losing your patient subscribers easily. Doing such practices affect your lead conversion strategies negatively.

Hence you need to segment your contact list into smaller lists based on their actions and where they are in their customer journey so that you can deliver more targeted content. Segmenting your leads is necessary because each patient visiting your medical website needs different information. 

Your primary responsibility is to analyze whether they are in the awareness stage, consideration stage, or decision stage. Use patient personas to understand your prospective patients’ interests, needs, and pain points and send the right content to different stages in the patient’s journey.

3) Create different types of Valuable Content

A report says that out of the 80% of the health-related searches made online, most searches are about a specific disease or medical problem or a particular medical treatment or procedure. And so many medical websites are trying to answer the queries of people with their content. 

To make your content stand out in this ocean of content, you need to attract more potential patients through valuable content in different forms, including eBooks, infographics, videos, webinars, whitepapers, etc. Your primary goal should be to educate your patients through content that answers their doubts and needs. Keep in mind the slogan “Educate, then promote” so that you gain more credibility.

4) Include strong Call-to-Actions

Call-to-Action is the primary element of your conversion strategy that prompts the visitors to take some action. So, make your call-to-action copy more persuasive. Instead of using the more general CTAs like “Contact Us” and “Sign Up,” you can use more effective words that urge visitors to click on them.

Starting the CTA with the word “Yes” is psychologically more effective that converts the visitors. For example, instead of “Download the eBook,” you can make it more compelling as “Yes, I want my eBook.” These types of influential CTA copies should be incorporated in medical websites to increase the conversion rates.

5) Add Live Chat

Most prospective patients who visit your website would be on the verge of conversion or visiting your clinic but may have a question or concern that keeps them from taking that last step. To avoid losing those patients, you must add live chat to your medical website that would be a great support for them and act as an effective conversion marketing tool for your medical practice.

6) Showcase Reviews and Testimonials

A report says that 62% of patients look for online reviews before scheduling an appointment with a physician. Reviews can impact your conversion rates and are responsible for improving your medical practice’s online reputation. Provide testimonials of past successful patients on your website that make it easy for your visitors to build trust in your medical practice.

Final Thoughts

Lead conversion is not a one-time process, and the visitors of your website won’t get converted into your potential patients right after they find something useful. As a healthcare marketer, you need to analyze the patient journey based on their behaviors and nurture them slowly and strategically with the correct information at the right time.

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